10 Kommentare

  1. stevejack0
    stevejack0 ·

    I like that your shooting the same subjects with different cameras and films. Along with the seasons change it keeps it interesting for you and us 👏👏

  2. mackiechartres
    mackiechartres ·

    Thank You @stevejack0 for Your kind comment. I am lucky to live and work in the center of a pretty historic town, very similar to, let's say Canterbury, for instance ; and I never get tired of it. Almost all you see of Chartres in my pictures was shot during my daily walks, sometimes during the lunch break of my working day... or on my way to buy a baguette 😋🥐🥖
    This morning, I went out to buy some vegetables for cooking myself a soup (weather is cold and humid!), I came across a yard sale in the streets, and since I had my Minolta in my bag, well... I shot an entire roll. 😅
    So the fun of taking pictures is based on the use of different cameras and films, as You say, but it is also related to what I see every day.
    I don't know if I am right to say that but when I watch Your photos, and I like them very much, they are more in an artistic perspective, aren't they?

  3. stevejack0
    stevejack0 ·

    @mackiechartres I've found shooting holding a baguette is the hardest thing! 😜
    I agree, it's always worth exploring the same places, nothing remains the same forever. I live in a very small town and I walk the same walks all the time and I continually make photos of the same subjects. I enjoy nature, early mornings and the camera is often my excuse as I don't own a dog 😄
    I like what you say about my work, I'm flattered! I would say I am mostly opportunistic but on occasionally I have an arty itch that I need to scratch!
    Did you buy anything at the yard sale Or only make photos of it? 😃

  4. mackiechartres
    mackiechartres ·

    Well @stevejack0 , I bought... a smoking cup of coffee with a warm crêpe, it was the best I was able to find today ! Anyway, I was already pleased with the package I received saturday, containing 2 very nice folding cameras : one classic Agfa Isolette II, and one Moskva 2, which is a soviet clone to the Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta. Both in very good condition, so I am going to start shooting in 120 in the next days, if the weather allows me ! 😎 Sarting with the Isolette, which is easier to handle than the Moskva, for a newbie like me.

  5. stevejack0
    stevejack0 ·

    @mackiechartres ah nice! How exciting.. I love Crepes! 😉
    And two cameras! I know of both of them and my son was eyeing up an Isolette II recently. I'm certain you will put them to good use, it's great to see these cameras being used and not gathering dust in some attic. Will you shoot colour or black and white to start with?

  6. mackiechartres
    mackiechartres ·

    @stevejack0 I will start with a Fomapan, it is a good film to start with. I use it often when I am testing a new camera - and I test a lot 😅- so I can compare the results. And its price is still decent.

  7. stevejack0
    stevejack0 ·

    @mackiechartres A good idea to test your new cameras with the same film so you can more accurately make a comparison. How many cameras have you used/owned, have you kept count?

  8. mackiechartres
    mackiechartres ·

    @stevejack0 wow that's the £ 1000 question ! I own around a hundred I will say, I buy and sometimes I sell. I am getting close to the limit of storage my house can offer - it is already full of books, vinyls, cd's, etc... and people, let's not forget. 😉
    You can see a list of cameras I used to publish photos on lomography on this link :

  9. stevejack0
    stevejack0 ·

    @mackiechartres haha! You have room for people aswell

    That's a lot of cameras!! So here is the €100000 question.. which one is your favourite? 😜

  10. mackiechartres
    mackiechartres ·

    @stevejack0 if I had to choose only one, I would day the Minolta X-300. It is very versatile, precise, and easy too use, and comes with high quality lenses, especially the Rokkor 1/1,4. I have a personal story with that brand, an X-700 was my first serious camera 35 years ago, but that's a long story... I wish I still own it.
    The other cameras I love to use the most, are :
    - the Revueflex SC-2, it is so easy to use and entirely manual, so it is truly the camera I would recommend to everyone who wants to learn shooting,
    - the Minolta Hi-Matic F, my avatar, the perfect street shooter,
    - the Reto Ultra Wide and Slim, and its clone the Kumo-San Superheadz Wide & slim, my favourite plastic cams,
    - the Sprocket Rocket, my favourite Lomo brand camera,
    - the Minolta Dynax 3L, an enterely automatic SLR I always take with me in case I am in need of a point & shoot cam.
    Bu HEY, wait,
    are you interviewing me? 😎
    What about YOUR favourite cams? We can continue this in MP maybe 😉

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