Belarus. Minsk. Summer. Morning. The sun has just risen, and I already have guests. My friend came to me with the whole family and a very young falcon Merlin. This "baby" she picked up on the road at dawn when she rode a bicycle. He must have been hit by a car during the night. Young Merlin didn't look hurt or scared. He was absolutely composed and completely calm. He confidently sating on the open palms of his savior and on my hands too. He squeezed our fingers very tightly with his clawed paws. Unlike other "kids" of birds I knew, he was not curious, did not ask for food, drank a little, but did not eat anything. I think he was injured. Perhaps I understand such brave "kids". It is cozy in the parental nest, but so cramped and boring that you don’t want to pay attention to the warnings and advice of your parents. Especially when you already have big wings that you really want to experience for ten days already ... P.S. A few days later we were informed by the bird hospital that the bird had recovered from the blow and was beginning to recover. We were happy without borders at least with this good at news. #Belarus #Minsk #Summer #falcon #Merlin #genre #portrait #reportage

16 Kommentare

  1. crosschannel
    crosschannel ·

    Such a lovely story.Well done 👍

  2. awa-awa
    awa-awa ·

    Thank you for your attention, opinion and emotions.
    I think we all very often, regardless of our desire, get involved in very unexpected stories. Perhaps, good example, just like this young Merlin, need be prepared for the unexpected. For example, always be ready to keep Kyiv 60 charged. Do not forget about a wonderful club www.lomography.com/ not for one minute. And, of course, impotan then to have the desire to share these stories.

  3. hobbylinse
    hobbylinse ·

    A very heartwarming story that shows how nice it is to help and not to be indifferent. It may be difficult to leave the nest. This makes it all the more important to find help. Best wishes to Merlin, you and your friend! 😀👍

  4. awa-awa
    awa-awa ·

    Thank you for your attention, opinion and emotions.
    You are absolutely right. We do receive a lot of our own energy as "reflected" energy. But nature is so complex and self-sufficient that you often doubt the expediency of your touching it...
    This meeting with a falcon is very unexpected, but far from accidental. My friend is passionate about bird photography. And just the evning before, we shared our experience of bird watching with her. You can imagine her and my emotions from the opportunity to hold the baby of the absolutely wild falcon Merlin from Red Book in the open palm next morning. You're right - it's a reward!!!

  5. awa-awa
    awa-awa ·

    Especially for you, another very short, in my opinion, funny illustration of the above.

  6. hobbylinse
    hobbylinse ·

    @awa-awa Dear AWA-AWA, I'm no bird expert, but I have great respect for majestic creatures like falcons. Not far from us there was a nest of kestrels this year. It was just wonderful to watch them soar through the air with their young ones. I'm sure, there must have been a reason that none other than your friend found young Merlin. By the way, I just watched the short film. Really sweet. Best wishes, Manfred

  7. awa-awa
    awa-awa ·

    Thank you for your attention and your precious time. Best wishes to you.

  8. crosschannel
    crosschannel ·

    @ Awa-Awa: Thank you for your reply, Awa-awa. If we do not loose respect for nature, we've got a chance. Because nature, the environment is greater than consumption with no limit. BTW: I feed a fox every day, name is Fudge :)

  9. awa-awa
    awa-awa ·

    I agree with you. Indeed, there are universal human values ​​that are very important to protect. I think nature helps us in this diligently.
    At the same time, your message about your red-haired friend fox named Fudge is very interesting. And how long have you known him?

  10. crosschannel
    crosschannel ·

    Fudge is only this year's breed. Sadly, his mum got run over by a car, but Fudge and his brother or sister were big enough. So they visit every evening. In UK, the foxes are quite urban, actually tame. I attach a picture of one of them, just by front door. This was Charlie and I could hand feed him. :)www.lomography.id/homes/crosschannel/photos/21662654?order=…

  11. awa-awa
    awa-awa ·

    REAL FOX!!! SUPEEEER!!!! So close!!!

  12. awa-awa
    awa-awa ·

    We have no such friendship with graceful predators. Apparently, this is exactly why the birds do. They populate our cities and cling to people. Until people have such friends.

  13. awa-awa
    awa-awa ·

    Of course, this is not a fluffy fox ... But they eat well too. A LOT OF!!! And, mind you, not only with me .... In general, at the end of winter and not every year Goldfinches fly to our cities, because in the winter snowy forest they have nothing else to eat.

  14. crosschannel
    crosschannel ·

    Very nice :) Here are Goldfinches too, I will look for the picture . we have not really snow over here but feeding the birds is very popular .

  15. crosschannel
  16. awa-awa
    awa-awa ·

    Thank you so much. Thank you for your attention, your precious time and of course emotions. Successful shots and mutual understanding with everyone, including nature.

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