5302 shot direct afternoon sun at ISO 6.

Kodak #5302 shot at #ISO 6, 12, and 25 semi stand developed Rodinal 1+100 at 20C for 60 minutes agitate for 30 seconds immediately and then 5 seconds at 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 minutes. Acetic acid stop bath (2%) fixed for 4 minutes with Ilford 1+4. Test strip clears in less than 1 minute. !961 vintage film exposed and developed in 2020 #filmisnotdead

2 Kommentare

  1. zenudebiker
    zenudebiker ·

    Love that look ! Nice shot ;-)

  2. mike1allison
    mike1allison ·

    Thanks, I am liking this film, these were only my first few shots. Hopefully I can approach a little mastery. Thanks!

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