5 Kommentare

  1. smolda
    smolda ·

    Lego baking trays! :-D

  2. schugger
    schugger ·

    very good @smolda! I am deeply impressed - when this roll was hanging here to dry, I was standing in front of it and couldn´t imagine what I photographed...*looool* I only remembered when I scanned it and saw the positive...

  3. smolda
    smolda ·

    Thank you @schugger! :-D I bet it was confusing. Those trays really look like Lego cubes... :-D

  4. schugger
    schugger ·

    yeah @smolda, on the negative they do look exactly like Lego...

  5. smolda
    smolda ·


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