Grey Shark

Trying again to get some decent diving shots in BW with LC-Wide inside the Krab. Shot with Fomapan 400 exposed at 200 iso and processed in D76 for 6'30

3 Kommentare

  1. sirio174
    sirio174 ·

    To increase the film contrast, you can use a ISO 100 film pushed to 400 or better a 400 ISO HP5 pushed at 1000 ISO. Develop in Microphen stock

  2. gepo1303
    gepo1303 ·

    Maybe a moment to leave, not to take pictures....

  3. vicuna
    vicuna ·

    @sirio174: thanks for the tip, I'll try it next time :)
    @gepo1303: well, they're not so dangerous or agressive they look like... and as there's plenty of fish everywhere, they aren't interested in humans ... as long as you don't carry dead fish on you!

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