I wanted to do some macro shots (with the great Zeiss Vario-Sonnar 35-70 lens that has a macro/close-up mode) and was thinking about what film to use, even if I didn't know exactly what to shoot. And looking at all the film canisters I've already processed I said to myself that all these canister have such an great design, and some are iconic ones.... So I took some of my favorite films and shot them close-up! Don't hesitate to tell me which of these are you favorite films to use and favorite designs?

4 Kommentare

  1. vicuna
    vicuna ·

    @gheinz merci! :) Une idée de photos à faire chez soi quand il fait moche dehors... avec un bon objectif macro/close-up (10cm à peu près) ça donne des choses sympa! :)

  2. leisuresuit
    leisuresuit ·

    Great photo

  3. rivermantis
    rivermantis ·

    Is it an old batch of Potsdam? Mine came in those weird two-piece plastic cassettes.

  4. vicuna
    vicuna ·

    @leisuresuit thanks! :)
    @rivermantis yeah, comes from the first batches

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