6 Kommentare

  1. nonspecificscientific
    nonspecificscientific ·

    Many thanks again! I know I’ve been crappy about getting back to you individually lately, but all the support of my own and my wife’s photos are really appreciated!
    @cbbird1972, @xotabush, @rik041, @brine, @rmfs-ruegen, @dkcs, @bcpleung, @fisheyemary, @schwarzesauge, @yerzmyey, @crazy_little_red_riding_hood, @marluusje, @aka_papu, @grandphilippe, @mlchaelbexley, @pradoken, @briany, @gheinz, @klawe, @N_U_M_B_F_A_C_E, @fartstorm, @bravopires, @raychillbon, @ramsey, @goshenhank, @deafness, @grishnakh, @frenchyfyl, @cobin, @me-iel, @leisuresuit, @agrimony, @acreamer, @chourique, @captainfantastic, @35mm_marlena, @hobbylinse, @paper_negs, @yulia_adamova, @paulsager, @vicuna, @joecool, @troch, @angiiesj, @aleatorius, @opon21, @koduckgirl, and any others I may have missed! Thank you all!

  2. stereograph
    stereograph ·

    great shot!

  3. neufotomacher
    neufotomacher ·

    Blooming automobile.

  4. nonspecificscientific
    nonspecificscientific ·

    @stereograph @neufotomacher Thanks dudes

  5. impulsofotografo
    impulsofotografo ·

    How was this achieved it’s amazing

  6. nonspecificscientific
    nonspecificscientific ·

    @impulsofotografo First, I'm glad you like it. Second, I shot two exposures on the frame using two separate Holga lens attachments, one being the fisheye, the other with the prism filter.

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