This album will be dedicated to my photos taken in January in Tokyo with my favorite Lomo camera.
This first black and white series was taken in "my" neighborhood of Monzen-Nakacho, respectively at the Tomioka Hachimangu shrine, and at the Fudou-dō temple (aka (Naritasan Tokyo branch temple). Unfortunately, when developing, I no longer had demineralized water for rinsing, so there is some dirt on some photos. For the next ones, I will fix the problem! 😅 (to be continued...)

5 Kommentare

  1. janremschnigg
    janremschnigg ·

    Wow! How is it possible, that the whole film is exposured? Does this happen when you shoot a 35mm on a medium format camera or something?

  2. mackiechartres
    mackiechartres ·

    Hi @janremschnigg , this is quite easy, yes you can shoot 135 format in a 120 format camera, for example a Holga or a Diana, with an adapter ; but I make it even more easy by using the dedicated camera for panoramic photos that captures the whole film, including the sprockets holes : The Sprocket Rocket camera, an exclusive tool from the Lomography catalogue.
    Camera specs here :…
    It's so fun to use that I have two, the black and the blue, and you can check some more pics I made with them here :…
    but my pcis are quite ordinary compared to those of @frenchyfyl , his work is awesome, you can check them there :…

  3. frenchyfyl
    frenchyfyl ·

    @mackiechartres merci pour la super dédicace !

  4. mackiechartres
    mackiechartres ·

    @frenchyfyl 😉

  5. janremschnigg
    janremschnigg ·

    Thanks for the answer, really helpful. Love the style of both of yours pictures <3 @frenchyfyl @mackiechartres

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