Einreichung von blm95tehe

"Tales from the Yawning Moon" This is a series I have been developing since May of 2023, inspired by the works of Darren Almond, who used the full moon to capture long-exposure shots in his series Nocturne. When I first came across his art, I was still new to the 120 format. Excited by the concept, I wanted to try my hand at the technique as well. Sadly, I found no resources on how he went about it. Still, despite this, and not knowing how to even take a long exposure, I went out and started experimenting late at night. At first, I made a lot of mistakes and got discouraged, but over time, I was able to retro-engineer a similar look. Exposure time for each photo varies, but they typically range from 90 to 120 minutes per shot, depending on cloud coverage, and where taken at Midnight. All were taken in Hoosier National Forest in Indiana between May and October 2023. Lastly, I want to say that Darren Almond is a really cool artist who inspired me to learn new skills in the hobby I love, and for that, I'm grateful. #experimental #long_exposure #inspired_by #645 #120 #medium_format #film #full_moon_Photography #light_painting

Die Antwort ist 120

Ein Aufruf an alle Mittelformat-Fans: Eure Zeit ist reif! Zeigt uns, was das Fotografieren mit 120er Film so lohnenswert macht.

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